Sagar Cantt, Sagar Madhya Pradesh |
Monday-Saturday |
It began in 1650 ...Since then three and a half centuries have passed.. Three and a half centuries of history, designing a long series of events, each calling us to pursue a moment when all seemed lost....... each one giving birth to something new, in response to the new challenges of each age! Fr. John Peter Medaille - Founder of the Sisters of St. Joseph: John Peter Medaille was born in Carcassonne , on October 6th 1610. He was a student of the Jesuits at the college of his native city, and joined his teachers, by entering the Jesuit Novitiate at Toulouse in 1626. Contemporary within a few years of two canonized Saints, John Peter Medaille had the advantage of living for a time with both of them
As ParishPriest , in the town of Le Puy , France , Fr. John Peter Medaille as a Parish Priest, came in contact with young girls and widows, who were touched by the misery around them, but who, at the same time, desired greatly to give themselves in total dedication to the Lord. Fr. Medaille recognizing the action of the Holy Sprit in them, pointing to the birth and need of active Religious Women in society, asked them to pray and wait, and to continue living according to the desires awakened in them.