Sagar Cantt, Sagar Madhya Pradesh |
Monday-Saturday |
Admission is open to all the people without any discrimination of any caste or creed. Admission is restricted only according to availability of seats. Being a minority institution the Principal reserves the right to admit students of the Catholic Minority on a preferential basis, with or without some concession in the matter of criteria ?or eligibility stated above,
Admission to Class I
Priority is given to students coming from our Shishu Bhavan branch Fresh admission to this class are made only if vacancies occur.
School offers optional subjects as Hindi, Informative Practices and Physical Education. Entrance Examination is conducted for those who wish to opt for IP and Physical Education. Optional subjects once selected by the students cannot be changed afterAugust 15th.
MATHEMATICS STREAM-For eligibility to Mathematics stream, a student should have obtained A+ or A in Maths and Science in Summative Assesment to the Secondary School Examination, CBSE Board.
BIOLOGY STREAM-For eligibility to the Biology Stream, a student should have obtained A or B+ in Science and A+ or A in Maths in the Secondary School Examination, CBSE ,Board.
COMMERCE STREAM - For eligibility in Commerce Stream, a student should have obtained B or B+ in main 3 Subjects English,S. Studies and Mathamatics.
Notice of withdrawal should be given one month in advance, or else the fee for the following month will be charged. This notice should be given by the parent or guardian. Those leaving in April must pay fees for May and June.
Transfer Certificate will not be issued until all dues are paid. Application form for Transfer Certificate is inserted in this calendar. Certificate will only be given DURING OFFICE HOURS, three days after application has been submitted. No certificate of any kind will be issued without prior application by the parent.
A student who fails more than once in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
The Principal reserves to herself the right of dismissing students for irregular attendance, unsatisfactory progress in studies, misconduct, non-participation in co-curricular activities. Honesty, cleanliness of person and dress, good manners and loyalty are demanded of each student. Anyone not conforming to the ideals of the school in these matters may be asked to leave. Immorality, grave insubordination and contempt of authority, willful damage to school property, are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal.
The Principal reserves the right to refuse any admission without having to assign reasons for such an action.